Source code for bbc1.core.data_handler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (c) 2017

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import traceback
import binascii
import os
import sys
sys.path.extend(["../../", os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))])
import bbclib
import bbclib.libs.bbclib_config as bbclib_config
from bbc1.core.message_key_types import to_2byte, PayloadType, KeyType, InfraMessageCategory
from bbc1.core import logger

DB_VERSION = "ver=2"

version_tbl_definition = [
    ["version", "TEXT"]

transaction_tbl_definition = [
    ["transaction_id", "BLOB"], ["transaction_data", "BLOB"],

asset_info_definition = [
    ["id", "INTEGER"],
    ["transaction_id", "BLOB"], ["asset_group_id", "BLOB"], ["asset_id", "BLOB"], ["user_id", "BLOB"], ["timestamp", "BIGINT"],

topology_info_definition = [
    ["id", "INTEGER"], ["base", "BLOB"], ["point_to", "BLOB"]

cross_ref_tbl_definition = [
    ["id", "INTEGER"], ["transaction_id", "BLOB"], ["outer_domain_id", "BLOB"], ["txid_having_cross_ref", "BLOB"],

#--- for anchoring ethereum/bitcoin blockchain ---
merkle_branch_db_definition = [
    ["digest", "BLOB"], ["leaf_left", "BLOB"], ["leaf_right", "BLOB"],

merkle_leaf_db_definition = [
    ["digest", "BLOB"], ["leaf_left", "BLOB"], ["leaf_right", "BLOB"], ["prev", "BLOB"],

merkle_root_db_definition = [
    ["root", "BLOB"], ["spec", "BLOB"],

[docs]class DataHandler: """DB and storage handler""" REPLICATION_ALL = 0 REPLICATION_P2P = 1 REPLICATION_EXT = 2 REQUEST_REPLICATION_INSERT = to_2byte(0) RESPONSE_REPLICATION_INSERT = to_2byte(1) REQUEST_SEARCH = to_2byte(2) RESPONSE_SEARCH = to_2byte(3) NOTIFY_INSERTED = to_2byte(4) REPAIR_TRANSACTION_DATA = to_2byte(5) REPLICATION_CROSS_REF = to_2byte(6) def __init__(self, networking=None, config=None, workingdir=None, domain_id=None, loglevel="all", logname=None): self.networking = networking self.core = networking.core self.stats = networking.core.stats self.logger = logger.get_logger(key="data_handler", level=loglevel, logname=logname) self.domain_id = domain_id self.domain_id_str = bbclib.convert_id_to_string(domain_id) self.config = config self.working_dir = workingdir self.storage_root = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.domain_id_str) if not os.path.exists(self.storage_root): os.makedirs(self.storage_root, exist_ok=True) self.use_external_storage = self._storage_setup() self.replication_strategy = DataHandler.REPLICATION_ALL self.upgraded_from = DB_VERSION self.db_adaptors = list() self._db_setup() def _db_setup(self): """Setup DB""" dbconf = self.config['db'] if dbconf['replication_strategy'] == 'all': self.replication_strategy = DataHandler.REPLICATION_ALL elif dbconf['replication_strategy'] == 'p2p': self.replication_strategy = DataHandler.REPLICATION_P2P else: self.replication_strategy = DataHandler.REPLICATION_EXT db_type = dbconf.get("db_type", "sqlite") db_name = dbconf.get("db_name", "bbc1_db.sqlite") if db_type == "sqlite": self.db_adaptors.append(SqliteAdaptor(self, db_name=os.path.join(self.storage_root, db_name))) elif db_type == "mysql": count = 0 for c in dbconf['db_servers']: db_addr = c.get("db_addr", "") db_port = c.get("db_port", 3306) db_user = c.get("db_user", "user") db_pass = c.get("db_pass", "password") self.db_adaptors.append(MysqlAdaptor(self, db_name=db_name, db_num=count, server_info=(db_addr, db_port, db_user, db_pass))) count += 1 for db in self.db_adaptors: db.open_db() flag_created = db.create_table('transaction_table', transaction_tbl_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[0]) db.create_table('asset_info_table', asset_info_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) db.create_table('topology_table', topology_info_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[0, 1, 2]) db.create_table('cross_ref_table', cross_ref_tbl_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[1]) db.create_table('merkle_branch_table', merkle_branch_db_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[1, 2]) db.create_table('merkle_leaf_table', merkle_leaf_db_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[1, 2]) db.create_table('merkle_root_table', merkle_root_db_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[0]) ver = db.get_version() if ver != DB_VERSION: if not flag_created: self.logger.fatal("*** DB meta table is upgraded. Run") self.upgraded_from = ver db.update_table_def(ver) def _storage_setup(self): """Setup storage""" if self.config['storage']['type'] == "external": return True if 'root' in self.config['storage'] and self.config['storage']['root'].startswith("/"): self.storage_root = os.path.join(self.config['storage']['root'], self.domain_id_str) else: self.storage_root = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.domain_id_str) os.makedirs(self.storage_root, exist_ok=True) return False
[docs] def exec_sql(self, db_num=0, sql=None, args=(), commit=False, fetch_one=False, return_cursor=False): """Execute sql sentence Args: db_num (int): index of DB if multiple DBs are used sql (str): SQL string args (list): Args for the SQL commit (bool): If True, commit is performed fetch_one (bool): If True, fetch just one record return_cursor (bool): If True (and fetch_one is False), return db_cur (iterator) Returns: list: list of records """ self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "exec_sql", 1) #print("sql=", sql) #if len(args) > 0: # print("args=", args) try: db_num = 0 if db_num >= len(self.db_adaptors) else db_num if len(args) > 0: self.db_adaptors[db_num].db_cur.execute(sql, args) else: self.db_adaptors[db_num].db_cur.execute(sql) self.db_adaptors[db_num].db.commit() # commit is mandatory (even if read access) in that case that multiple client connect to a single mysql server if commit: ret = None else: if fetch_one: ret = self.db_adaptors[db_num].db_cur.fetchone() self.db_adaptors[db_num].db.commit() else: if return_cursor: return self.db_adaptors[db_num].db_cur ret = self.db_adaptors[db_num].db_cur.fetchall() except: if commit: self.db_adaptors[db_num].db.rollback() self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) traceback.print_exc() self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "fail_exec_sql", 1) if self.db_adaptors[db_num] is not None and self.db_adaptors[db_num].db_cur is not None: self.db_adaptors[db_num].db_cur.close() if self.db_adaptors[db_num] is not None and self.db_adaptors[db_num].db is not None: self.db_adaptors[db_num].db.close() self.db_adaptors[db_num].open_db() return None if ret is None: return [] else: return list(ret)
[docs] def get_asset_info(self, txobj): """Retrieve asset information from transaction object Args: txobj (BBcTransaction): transaction object to analyze Returns: list: list of list [asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, file_size, file_digest] """ info = list() for idx, evt in enumerate( ast = evt.asset if ast is not None: info.append((evt.asset_group_id, ast.asset_id, ast.user_id, ast.asset_file_size>0, ast.asset_file_digest)) for idx, rtn in enumerate(txobj.relations): if rtn.asset is not None: info.append((rtn.asset_group_id, rtn.asset.asset_id, rtn.asset.user_id, rtn.asset.asset_file_size>0, rtn.asset.asset_file_digest)) if txobj.version >= 2 and rtn.asset_raw is not None: info.append((rtn.asset_group_id, rtn.asset_raw.asset_id, None, 0, None)) if txobj.version >= 2 and rtn.asset_hash is not None: for asid in rtn.asset_hash.asset_ids: info.append((rtn.asset_group_id, asid, None, 0, None)) return info
def _get_topology_info(self, txobj): """Retrieve topology information from transaction object This method returns (from, to) list that describe the topology of transactions Args: txobj (BBcTransaction): transaction object to analyze Returns: list: list of tuple (base transaction_id, pointing transaction_id) """ info = list() for reference in txobj.references: info.append((txobj.transaction_id, reference.transaction_id)) # (base, point_to) for idx, rtn in enumerate(txobj.relations): for pt in rtn.pointers: info.append((txobj.transaction_id, pt.transaction_id)) # (base, point_to) return info
[docs] def insert_transaction(self, txdata, txobj=None, fmt_type=bbclib_config.DEFAULT_BBC_FORMAT, asset_files=None, no_replication=False): """Insert transaction data and its asset files Either txdata or txobj must be given to insert the transaction. Args: txdata (bytes): serialized transaction data txobj (BBcTransaction): transaction object to insert fmt_type (int): 2-byte value of BBcFormat type asset_files (dict): asset files in the transaction Returns: set: set of asset_group_ids in the transaction """ self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "insert_transaction", 1) if txobj is None: txobj, fmt_type = self.core.validate_transaction(txdata, asset_files=asset_files) if txobj is None: return None inserted_count = 0 for i in range(len(self.db_adaptors)): if self._insert_transaction_into_a_db(i, txobj, fmt_type): inserted_count += 1 if inserted_count == 0: return None asset_group_ids = self._store_asset_files(txobj, asset_files) if not no_replication and self.replication_strategy != DataHandler.REPLICATION_EXT: self._send_replication_to_other_cores(txdata, asset_files) if self.networking.domain0manager is not None: self.networking.domain0manager.distribute_cross_ref_in_domain0(domain_id=self.domain_id, transaction_id=txobj.transaction_id) if txobj.cross_ref is not None: self.networking.domain0manager.cross_ref_registered(domain_id=self.domain_id, transaction_id=txobj.transaction_id, cross_ref=(txobj.cross_ref.domain_id, txobj.cross_ref.transaction_id)) return asset_group_ids
def _insert_transaction_into_a_db(self, db_num, txobj, fmt_type=bbclib_config.DEFAULT_BBC_FORMAT): """Insert transaction data into the transaction table of the specified DB Args: db_num (int): index of DB if multiple DBs are used txobj (BBcTransaction): transaction object to insert fmt_type (int): 2-byte value of BBcFormat type Returns: bool: True if successful """ #print("_insert_transaction_into_a_db: for txid =", txobj.transaction_id.hex()) txdata = bbclib.serialize(txobj, format_type=fmt_type) ret = self.exec_sql(db_num=db_num, sql="INSERT INTO transaction_table VALUES (%s,%s)" % (self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder), args=(txobj.transaction_id, txdata), commit=True) if ret is None: return False ts = txobj.timestamp for asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, fileflag, filedigest in self.get_asset_info(txobj): self.exec_sql(db_num=db_num, sql="INSERT INTO asset_info_table(transaction_id, asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, timestamp) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % ( self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder), args=(txobj.transaction_id, asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, ts), commit=True) for base, point_to in self._get_topology_info(txobj): self.exec_sql(db_num=db_num, sql="INSERT INTO topology_table(base, point_to) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder), args=(base, point_to), commit=True) #print("topology: base:%s, point_to:%s" % (base.hex(), point_to.hex())) return True
[docs] def insert_cross_ref(self, transaction_id, outer_domain_id, txid_having_cross_ref, no_replication=False): """Insert cross_ref information into cross_ref_table Args: transaction_id (bytes): target transaction_id outer_domain_id (bytes): domain_id that holds cross_ref about the transaction_id txid_having_cross_ref (bytes): transaction_id in the outer_domain that includes the cross_ref no_replication (bool): If False, the replication is sent to other nodes in the domain """ self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "insert_cross_ref", 1) sql = "INSERT INTO cross_ref_table (transaction_id, outer_domain_id, txid_having_cross_ref) " + \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" % (self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) for i in range(len(self.db_adaptors)): self.exec_sql(db_num=i, sql=sql, args=(transaction_id, outer_domain_id, txid_having_cross_ref), commit=True) if not no_replication: self._send_cross_ref_replication_to_other_cores(transaction_id, outer_domain_id, txid_having_cross_ref)
[docs] def count_domain_in_cross_ref(self, outer_domain_id): """Count the number of domains in the cross_ref table""" # TODO: need to consider registered_time sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM cross_ref_table WHERE outer_domain = %s" % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder ret = self.exec_sql(sql=sql, args=(outer_domain_id,)) return ret
[docs] def search_domain_having_cross_ref(self, transaction_id=None): """Search domain_id that holds cross_ref about the specified transaction_id Args: transaction_id (bytes): target transaction_id Returns: list: records of cross_ref_tables ["id","transaction_id", "outer_domain_id", "txid_having_cross_ref"] """ if transaction_id is not None: sql = "SELECT * FROM cross_ref_table WHERE transaction_id = %s" % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder return self.exec_sql(sql=sql, args=(transaction_id,)) else: return self.exec_sql(sql="SELECT * FROM cross_ref_table")
def _store_asset_files(self, txobj, asset_files): """Store all asset_files related to the transaction_object Args: txobj (BBcTransaction): transaction object to insert asset_files (dict): dictionary of {asset_id: content} for the transaction Returns: set: set of asset_group_ids in the transaction """ #print("_store_asset_files: for txid =", txobj.transaction_id.hex()) asset_group_ids = set() for asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, fileflag, filedigest in self.get_asset_info(txobj): asset_group_ids.add(asset_group_id) if not self.use_external_storage and asset_files is not None and asset_id in asset_files: self.store_in_storage(asset_group_id, asset_id, asset_files[asset_id]) return asset_group_ids
[docs] def restore_transaction_data(self, db_num, transaction_id, txobj): """Remove and insert a transaction""" if txobj is not None: self.remove(transaction_id, txobj=txobj, db_num=db_num) self._insert_transaction_into_a_db(db_num=db_num, txobj=txobj)
def _send_replication_to_other_cores(self, txdata, asset_files=None): """Broadcast replication of transaction data""" msg = { KeyType.domain_id: self.domain_id, KeyType.infra_msg_type: InfraMessageCategory.CATEGORY_DATA, KeyType.infra_command: DataHandler.REQUEST_REPLICATION_INSERT, KeyType.transaction_data: txdata, } if asset_files is not None: msg[KeyType.all_asset_files] = asset_files if self.replication_strategy == DataHandler.REPLICATION_ALL: self.networking.broadcast_message_in_network(domain_id=self.domain_id, payload_type=PayloadType.Type_any, msg=msg) elif self.replication_strategy == DataHandler.REPLICATION_P2P: pass # TODO: implement (destinations determined by TopologyManager) def _send_cross_ref_replication_to_other_cores(self, transaction_id, outer_domain_id, txid_having_cross_ref): """Broadcast replication of cross_ref Args: transaction_id (bytes): target transaction_id outer_domain_id (bytes): domain_id that holds cross_ref about the transaction_id txid_having_cross_ref (bytes): transaction_id in the outer_domain that includes the cross_ref """ msg = { KeyType.domain_id: self.domain_id, KeyType.infra_msg_type: InfraMessageCategory.CATEGORY_DATA, KeyType.infra_command: DataHandler.REPLICATION_CROSS_REF, KeyType.transaction_id: transaction_id, KeyType.outer_domain_id: outer_domain_id, KeyType.txid_having_cross_ref: txid_having_cross_ref, } if self.replication_strategy == DataHandler.REPLICATION_ALL: self.networking.broadcast_message_in_network(domain_id=self.domain_id, payload_type=PayloadType.Type_any, msg=msg) elif self.replication_strategy == DataHandler.REPLICATION_P2P: pass # TODO: implement (destinations determined by TopologyManager)
[docs] def remove(self, transaction_id, txobj=None, db_num=-1): """Delete all data regarding the specified transaction_id This method requires either transaction_id or txobj. Args: transaction_id (bytes): target transaction_id txobj (BBcTransaction): transaction object to remove db_num (int): index of DB if multiple DBs are used """ if transaction_id is None: return if txobj is None: txdata = self.exec_sql(sql="SELECT * FROM transaction_table WHERE transaction_id = %s" % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, args=(transaction_id,)) txobj, fmt_type = bbclib.deserialize(txdata[0][1]) elif txobj.transaction_id != transaction_id: return if db_num == -1 or db_num >= len(self.db_adaptors): for i in range(len(self.db_adaptors)): self._remove_transaction(txobj, i) else: self._remove_transaction(txobj, db_num)
def _remove_transaction(self, txobj, db_num): """Remove transaction from DB""" #print("_remove_transaction: for txid =", txobj.transaction_id.hex()) self.exec_sql( db_num=db_num, sql="DELETE FROM transaction_table WHERE transaction_id = %s" % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, args=(txobj.transaction_id,), commit=True) for base, point_to in self._get_topology_info(txobj): self.exec_sql( db_num=db_num, sql="DELETE FROM topology_table WHERE base = %s AND point_to = %s" % (self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder,self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder), args=(base, point_to), commit=True) def _remove_asset_files(self, txobj, asset_files=None): """Remove all asset files related to the transaction If asset_files is given, only asset files in given param are removed Args: txobj (BBcTransaction): transaction object that includes the asset to be removed asset_files (dict): dictionary of {asset_id: content} for the transaction """ #print("_remove_asset_files: for txid =", txobj.transaction_id.hex()) if self.use_external_storage: return for asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, fileflag, filedigest in self.get_asset_info(txobj): if asset_files is not None: if asset_id in asset_files: self._remove_in_storage(asset_group_id, asset_id) else: self._remove_in_storage(asset_group_id, asset_id)
[docs] def search_transaction(self, transaction_id=None, asset_group_id=None, asset_id=None, user_id=None, start_from=None, until=None, direction=0, count=1, db_num=0): """Search transaction data When Multiple conditions are given, they are considered as AND condition. Args: transaction_id (bytes): target transaction_id asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id that target transactions should have asset_id (bytes): asset_id that target transactions should have user_id (bytes): user_id that target transactions should have start_from (int): the starting timestamp to search until (int): the end timestamp to search direction (int): 0: descend, 1: ascend count (int): The maximum number of transactions to retrieve db_num (int): index of DB if multiple DBs are used Returns: dict: mapping from transaction_id to serialized transaction data dict: dictionary of {asset_id: content} for the transaction """ if transaction_id is not None: txinfo = self.exec_sql( db_num=db_num, sql="SELECT * FROM transaction_table WHERE transaction_id = %s" % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, args=(transaction_id,)) if len(txinfo) == 0: return None, None else: dire = "DESC" if direction == 1: dire = "ASC" sql = "SELECT * from asset_info_table WHERE " conditions = list() if asset_group_id is not None: conditions.append("asset_group_id = %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) if asset_id is not None: conditions.append("asset_id = %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) if user_id is not None: conditions.append("user_id = %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) if start_from is not None: conditions.append("timestamp >= %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) if until is not None: conditions.append("timestamp <= %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) sql += "AND ".join(conditions) + "ORDER BY id %s" % dire if count > 0: sql += " limit %d" % count sql += ";" args = list(filter(lambda a: a is not None, (asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, start_from, until))) ret = self.exec_sql(db_num=db_num, sql=sql, args=args) txinfo = list() for record in ret: tx = self.exec_sql( db_num=db_num, sql="SELECT * FROM transaction_table WHERE transaction_id = %s" % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, args=(record[1],)) if tx is not None and len(tx) == 1: txinfo.append(tx[0]) result_txobj = dict() result_asset_files = dict() for txid, txdata in txinfo: txobj, fmt_type = bbclib.deserialize(txdata) result_txobj[txid] = txobj for asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, fileflag, filedigest in self.get_asset_info(txobj): if fileflag: result_asset_files[asset_id] = self.get_in_storage(asset_group_id, asset_id) return result_txobj, result_asset_files
[docs] def count_transactions(self, asset_group_id=None, asset_id=None, user_id=None, start_from=None, until=None, db_num=0): """Count transactions that matches the given conditions When Multiple conditions are given, they are considered as AND condition. Args: asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id that target transactions should have asset_id (bytes): asset_id that target transactions should have user_id (bytes): user_id that target transactions should have start_from (int): the starting timestamp to search until (int): the end timestamp to search db_num (int): index of DB if multiple DBs are used Returns: int: the number of transactions """ sql = "SELECT count( DISTINCT transaction_id ) from asset_info_table WHERE " conditions = list() if asset_group_id is not None: conditions.append("asset_group_id = %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) if asset_id is not None: conditions.append("asset_id = %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) if user_id is not None: conditions.append("user_id = %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) if start_from is not None: conditions.append("timestamp >= %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) if until is not None: conditions.append("timestamp <= %s " % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder) sql += "AND ".join(conditions) args = list(filter(lambda a: a is not None, (asset_group_id, asset_id, user_id, start_from, until))) ret = self.exec_sql(db_num=db_num, sql=sql, args=args) return ret[0][0]
[docs] def search_transaction_topology(self, transaction_id, traverse_to_past=True): """Search in topology info Args: transaction_id (bytes): base transaction_id traverse_to_past (bool): True: search backward (to past), False: search forward (to future) Returns: list: list of records of topology table """ if transaction_id is None: return None if traverse_to_past: return self.exec_sql(sql="SELECT * FROM topology_table WHERE base = %s" % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, args=(transaction_id,)) else: return self.exec_sql(sql="SELECT * FROM topology_table WHERE point_to = %s" % self.db_adaptors[0].placeholder, args=(transaction_id,))
[docs] def store_in_storage(self, asset_group_id, asset_id, content, do_overwrite=False): """Store asset file in local storage Args: asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset asset_id (bytes): asset_id of the asset content (bytes): the content of the asset file do_overwrite (bool): If True, file is overwritten Returns: bool: True if successful """ #print("store_in_storage: for asset_id =", asset_id.hex()) self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "store_in_storage", 1) asset_group_id_str = binascii.b2a_hex(asset_group_id).decode('utf-8') storage_path = os.path.join(self.storage_root, asset_group_id_str) if not os.path.exists(storage_path): os.makedirs(storage_path, exist_ok=True) path = os.path.join(storage_path, binascii.b2a_hex(asset_id).decode('utf-8')) if not do_overwrite and os.path.exists(path): return False with open(path, 'wb') as f: try: f.write(content) except: return False return os.path.exists(path)
[docs] def get_in_storage(self, asset_group_id, asset_id): """Get the asset file with the asset_id from local storage Args: asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset asset_id (bytes): asset_id of the asset Returns: bytes or None: the file content """ asset_group_id_str = binascii.b2a_hex(asset_group_id).decode('utf-8') storage_path = os.path.join(self.storage_root, asset_group_id_str) if not os.path.exists(storage_path): return None path = os.path.join(storage_path, binascii.b2a_hex(asset_id).decode('utf-8')) if not os.path.exists(path): return None try: with open(path, 'rb') as f: content = return content except: self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return None
def _remove_in_storage(self, asset_group_id, asset_id): """Delete asset file Args: asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset asset_id (bytes): asset_id of the asset """ #print("_remove_in_storage: for asset_id =", asset_id.hex()) asset_group_id_str = binascii.b2a_hex(asset_group_id).decode('utf-8') storage_path = os.path.join(self.storage_root, asset_group_id_str) if not os.path.exists(storage_path): return path = os.path.join(storage_path, binascii.b2a_hex(asset_id).decode('utf-8')) if not os.path.exists(path): return os.remove(path)
[docs] def process_message(self, msg): """Process received message Args: msg (dict): received message """ if KeyType.infra_command not in msg: return if msg[KeyType.infra_command] == DataHandler.REQUEST_REPLICATION_INSERT: self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "REQUEST_REPLICATION_INSERT", 1) self.insert_transaction(msg[KeyType.transaction_data], asset_files=msg.get(KeyType.all_asset_files, None), no_replication=True) elif msg[KeyType.infra_command] == DataHandler.RESPONSE_REPLICATION_INSERT: self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "RESPONSE_REPLICATION_INSERT", 1) pass elif msg[KeyType.infra_command] == DataHandler.REQUEST_SEARCH: self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "REQUEST_SEARCH", 1) ret = self.search_transaction(msg[KeyType.transaction_id]) msg[KeyType.infra_command] = DataHandler.RESPONSE_SEARCH if ret is None or len(ret) == 0: msg[KeyType.result] = False msg[KeyType.reason] = "Not found" else: msg[KeyType.result] = True msg[KeyType.transaction_data] = ret[0][1] self.networking.send_message_in_network(nodeinfo=None, payload_type=PayloadType.Type_any, domain_id=self.domain_id, msg=msg) elif msg[KeyType.infra_command] == DataHandler.RESPONSE_SEARCH: self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "RESPONSE_SEARCH", 1) if msg[KeyType.result]: self.insert_transaction(msg[KeyType.transaction_data]) elif msg[KeyType.infra_command] == DataHandler.NOTIFY_INSERTED: self.stats.update_stats_increment("data_handler", "NOTIFY_INSERTED", 1) if KeyType.transaction_id not in msg or KeyType.asset_group_ids not in msg: return transaction_id = msg[KeyType.transaction_id] asset_group_ids = msg[KeyType.asset_group_ids] self.core.send_inserted_notification(self.domain_id, asset_group_ids, transaction_id, only_registered_user=True) elif msg[KeyType.infra_command] == DataHandler.REPAIR_TRANSACTION_DATA:[self.domain_id]['repair'].put_message(msg) elif msg[KeyType.infra_command] == DataHandler.REPLICATION_CROSS_REF: transaction_id = msg[KeyType.transaction_id] outer_domain_id = msg[KeyType.outer_domain_id] txid_having_cross_ref = msg[KeyType.txid_having_cross_ref] self.insert_cross_ref(transaction_id, outer_domain_id, txid_having_cross_ref, no_replication=True)
[docs]class DataHandlerDomain0(DataHandler): """Data handler for domain_global_0""" def __init__(self, networking=None, config=None, workingdir=None, domain_id=None, loglevel="all", logname=None): pass
[docs] def exec_sql(self, sql, *args): pass
[docs] def get_asset_info(self, txobj): pass
def _get_topology_info(self, txobj): pass
[docs] def insert_transaction(self, txdata, txobj=None, asset_files=None, no_replication=False): return True
def _send_replication_to_other_cores(self, txdata, asset_files=None): pass
[docs] def remove(self, transaction_id): pass
[docs] def search_transaction(self, transaction_id=None, asset_group_id=None, asset_id=None, user_id=None, count=1): return None, None
[docs] def search_transaction_topology(self, transaction_id, reverse_link=False): return None
[docs] def store_in_storage(self, asset_group_id, asset_id, content): return True
[docs] def get_in_storage(self, asset_group_id, asset_id): return None
def _remove_in_storage(self, asset_group_id, asset_id): pass
[docs] def process_message(self, msg): pass
[docs]class DbAdaptor: """Base class for DB adaptor""" def __init__(self, handler=None, db_name=None, db_num=0, loglevel="all", logname=None): self.handler = handler self.db = None self.db_cur = None self.db_name = db_name self.db_num = db_num self.placeholder = "" self.logger = logger.get_logger(key="db_adaptor", level=loglevel, logname=logname)
[docs] def open_db(self): """Open the DB""" pass
[docs] def create_table(self, tbl, tbl_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[]): """Create a table""" pass
[docs] def check_table_existence(self, tblname): """Check whether the table exists or not""" pass
[docs] def get_version(self): """get_version of the DB Returns: str: version string """ if len(self.check_table_existence("version_table")) == 0: return "ver=1" ret = self.handler.exec_sql(db_num=self.db_num, sql="SELECT version FROM version_table;") if ret is None or len(ret) == 0: return "ver=1" return ret[0][0]
[docs] def update_table_def(self, from_ver): """Update table definition""" self.create_table("version_table", version_tbl_definition) ret = self.handler.exec_sql(db_num=self.db_num, sql="INSERT INTO version_table (version) VALUES (\"%s\");" % DB_VERSION, commit=True) if ret is None: print("XXXX Cannot create version_table in DB") sys.exit(1) if from_ver == "ver=1": self.create_ver2_column()
[docs] def create_ver2_column(self): """Create column for version 2 meta table (add timestamp in asset_info_table)""" try: self.db_cur.execute("ALTER TABLE asset_info_table ADD COLUMN timestamp BIGINT;") self.db.commit() except: pass
[docs]class SqliteAdaptor(DbAdaptor): """DB adaptor for SQLite3""" def __init__(self, handler=None, db_name=None, loglevel="all", logname=None): super(SqliteAdaptor, self).__init__(handler=handler, db_name=db_name, loglevel=loglevel, logname=logname) self.placeholder = "?"
[docs] def open_db(self): """Open the DB (create DB file if not exists)""" import sqlite3 self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.db_name, isolation_level=None) self.db_cur = self.db.cursor()
[docs] def create_table(self, tbl, tbl_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[]): """Create a table Args: tbl (str): table name tbl_definition (list): schema of the table [["column_name", "data type"],["colmun_name", "data type"],,] primary_key (int): index (column) of the primary key of the table indices (list): list of indices to create index """ if len(self.check_table_existence(tbl)) > 0: return False sql = "CREATE TABLE %s " % tbl sql += "(" sql += ", ".join(["%s %s" % (d[0],d[1]) for d in tbl_definition]) sql += ", PRIMARY KEY ("+tbl_definition[primary_key][0]+")" sql += ");" self.handler.exec_sql(sql=sql, commit=True) for idx in indices: self.handler.exec_sql(sql="CREATE INDEX %s_idx_%d ON %s (%s);" % (tbl, idx, tbl, tbl_definition[idx][0]), commit=True) return True
[docs] def check_table_existence(self, tblname): """Check whether the table exists or not""" return self.handler.exec_sql(sql="SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?", args=(tblname,))
[docs]class MysqlAdaptor(DbAdaptor): """DB adaptor for MySQL""" def __init__(self, handler=None, db_name=None, db_num=None, server_info=None, loglevel="all", logname=None): super(MysqlAdaptor, self).__init__(handler, db_name, db_num, loglevel, logname) self.placeholder = "%s" self.db_addr = server_info[0] self.db_port = server_info[1] self.db_user = server_info[2] self.db_pass = server_info[3]
[docs] def open_db(self): """Open the DB""" import mysql.connector self.db = mysql.connector.connect( host=self.db_addr, port=self.db_port, db=self.db_name, user=self.db_user, password=self.db_pass, charset='utf8' ) self.db_cur = self.db.cursor(buffered=True)
[docs] def create_table(self, tbl, tbl_definition, primary_key=0, indices=[]): """Create a table Args: tbl (str): table name tbl_definition (list): schema of the table [["column_name", "data type"],["colmun_name", "data type"],,] primary_key (int): index (column) of the primary key of the table indices (list): list of indices to create index """ if len(self.check_table_existence(tbl)) == 1: return False sql = "CREATE TABLE %s " % tbl sql += "(" defs = list() for d in tbl_definition: if d[0] == "id": defs.append("%s %s AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL" % (d[0], d[1])) else: defs.append("%s %s" % (d[0], d[1])) sql += ",".join(defs) if tbl_definition[primary_key][1] in ["BLOB", "TEXT"]: sql += ", PRIMARY KEY (%s(32))" % tbl_definition[primary_key][0] else: sql += ", PRIMARY KEY (%s)" % tbl_definition[primary_key][0] sql += ") CHARSET=utf8;" self.handler.exec_sql(db_num=self.db_num, sql=sql, commit=True) for idx in indices: if tbl_definition[idx][1] in ["BLOB", "TEXT"]: self.handler.exec_sql(db_num=self.db_num, sql="ALTER TABLE %s ADD INDEX (%s(32));" % (tbl, tbl_definition[idx][0]), commit=True) else: self.handler.exec_sql(db_num=self.db_num, sql="ALTER TABLE %s ADD INDEX (%s);" % (tbl, tbl_definition[idx][0]), commit=True) return True
[docs] def check_table_existence(self, tblname): """Check whether the table exists or not""" sql = "show tables from %s like '%s';" % (self.db_name, tblname) return self.handler.exec_sql(db_num=self.db_num, sql=sql)