Source code for bbc1.core.message_key_types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import os
import threading
import msgpack
import struct
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import _serialization, hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes

encryptors = dict()
decryptors = dict()

[docs]def to_4byte(val, offset=0): return (val+offset).to_bytes(4, 'big') # network byte order
[docs]def to_2byte(val, offset=0): return (val+offset).to_bytes(2, 'big') # network byte order
[docs]def make_message(payload_type, msg, payload_version=0, key_name=None): """Utility for making serialized message data""" if payload_type == PayloadType.Type_msgpack: dat = msgpack.packb(msg) elif payload_type == PayloadType.Type_binary: dat = make_TLV_formatted_message(msg) elif payload_type == PayloadType.Type_encrypted_msgpack: if key_name not in encryptors or encryptors[key_name] is None: return None dat = bytearray() dat.extend(encryptors[key_name][1]) # add hint to the counter entity dat += encryptors[key_name][0].update(msgpack.packb(msg)) else: return None msg = bytearray() msg.extend(struct.pack(">HHI", payload_type, payload_version, len(dat))) msg.extend(dat) return msg
[docs]def deserialize_data(payload_type, dat): """Utility for deserializing the received message""" if payload_type == PayloadType.Type_msgpack: return msgpack.unpackb(dat) elif payload_type == PayloadType.Type_binary: return make_dictionary_from_TLV_format(dat) elif payload_type == PayloadType.Type_encrypted_msgpack: name = bytes(dat[:4]) try: msg = decryptors[name].update(bytes(dat[4:])) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return msgpack.unpackb(msg) return None
[docs]def make_binary(dat): """Simple serialize function Basically, Type-Length-Value format is created for each item. """ ret = bytearray() if isinstance(dat, list) or isinstance(dat, tuple): ret.extend(int(3).to_bytes(4, "big")) # data type = list total_len = 0 array_dat = bytearray() for item in dat: d = make_binary(item) total_len += len(d) array_dat.extend(d) ret.extend(int(total_len).to_bytes(4, "big")) ret.extend(array_dat) elif isinstance(dat, bool): ret.extend(int(2).to_bytes(4, "big")) # data type = bool ret.extend(int(1).to_bytes(4, "big")) val = int(1).to_bytes(1, "little") if dat else int(0).to_bytes(1, "little") ret.extend(val) elif isinstance(dat, int): ret.extend(int(1).to_bytes(4, "big")) # data type = int ret.extend(int(8).to_bytes(4, "big")) ret.extend(int(dat).to_bytes(8, "big")) else: ret.extend(int(0).to_bytes(4, "big")) # data type = bytes ret.extend(len(dat).to_bytes(4, 'big')) if isinstance(dat, str): ret.extend(dat.encode()) else: ret.extend(dat) return ret
[docs]def make_TLV_formatted_message(msg): """Utility for simple serialization function""" dat = bytearray() for k, v in msg.items(): dat.extend(k) dat.extend(make_binary(v)) return bytes(dat)
[docs]def convert_from_binary(data_type, dat): """Deserialization from simple serialization""" if data_type == 0: return dat elif data_type == 1: return int.from_bytes(dat, "big") elif data_type == 2: val = int.from_bytes(dat, "little") if val == 1: return True else: return False else: ret = list() l = 0 while l < len(dat): DT, L = struct.unpack(">II", dat[l:l+8]) l += 8 ret.append(convert_from_binary(DT, dat[l:l+L])) l += L return ret
[docs]def make_dictionary_from_TLV_format(dat): """Utility for simple deserialization function""" msg = dict() ptr = 0 while ptr < len(dat)-1: T = dat[ptr:ptr+4] ptr += 4 DT, L = struct.unpack(">II", dat[ptr:ptr+8]) ptr += 8 msg[T] = convert_from_binary(DT, dat[ptr:ptr+L]) ptr += L return msg
[docs]def get_ECDH_parameters(): """Utility for initialization of ECDH parameters""" global encryptors, decryptors private_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend()) serialized_pubkey = private_key.public_key().public_bytes(_serialization.Encoding.X962, _serialization.PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint) key_name = None while key_name is None: key_name = os.urandom(4) if key_name in encryptors: key_name = None encryptors[key_name] = None decryptors[key_name] = None return private_key, serialized_pubkey, key_name
[docs]def derive_shared_key(private_key, serialized_pubkey, shared_info): """Utility for deriving shared key in ECDH procedure""" deserialized_pubkey = ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(ec.SECP384R1(), serialized_pubkey) shared_key =, deserialized_pubkey) derived_key = HKDF(algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), length=32, salt=None, info=shared_info, backend=default_backend()).derive(shared_key) return derived_key
[docs]def set_cipher(shared_key, nonce, key_name, hint): """Set shared key to the encryptor and decryptor Encryptor and Decryptor are created for each inter-node connection """ global encryptors, decryptors cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(bytes(shared_key)), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=default_backend()) encryptors[key_name] = [cipher.encryptor(), hint] decryptors[key_name] = cipher.decryptor()
[docs]def unset_cipher(key_name): if key_name in encryptors: del encryptors[key_name] del decryptors[key_name]
[docs]class PayloadType: Type_binary = 0 Type_any = 1 Type_msgpack = 2 Type_encrypted_msgpack = 3
[docs]class Message: """Message parser""" HEADER_LEN = 8 # Type, length of data_body, data_body def __init__(self): self.pending_buf = bytearray() self.is_new_chunk = True self.msg_body = None self.payload_type = 0 self.format_version = 0 self.msg_len = 0 self.lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def recv(self, dat): """Append message to the buffer""" self.pending_buf.extend(dat)
[docs] def parse(self): """Parse the message in the buffer""" #print(" > pending_buf=%d,%d"%(len(self.pending_buf), Message.HEADER_LEN)) if self.is_new_chunk: if len(self.pending_buf) < Message.HEADER_LEN: return None self.payload_type, self.format_version, self.msg_len = struct.unpack(">HHI", self.pending_buf[:Message.HEADER_LEN]) self.is_new_chunk = False self.msg_body = None #print(" >> msg_len=%d"%(self.msg_len)) if self.msg_len == 0: self.is_new_chunk = True self.msg_body = [] self.pending_buf = self.pending_buf[Message.HEADER_LEN:] #print(" --self.msg_len == Message.HEADER_LEN -->true") return None if self.msg_len > 0 and len(self.pending_buf) >= self.msg_len+Message.HEADER_LEN: self.is_new_chunk = True self.msg_body = self.pending_buf[Message.HEADER_LEN:(self.msg_len + Message.HEADER_LEN)] self.pending_buf = self.pending_buf[(self.msg_len+Message.HEADER_LEN):] #print(" --self.msg_len > Message.HEADER_LEN -->true") return deserialize_data(self.payload_type, self.msg_body) #print(" --->>> false") return None
[docs]class KeyType: """Types of items in a message""" status = to_4byte(0) # status code in bbc_error reason = to_4byte(1) # text result = to_4byte(2) # True/False infra_msg_type = to_4byte(8) # message type in p2p network command = to_4byte(9) # command type infra_command = to_4byte(10) query_id = to_4byte(11) # query_id from bbc_app message = to_4byte(12) nonce = to_4byte(13) count = to_4byte(14) stats = to_4byte(15) hint = to_4byte(16) ecdh = to_4byte(17) # peer_public_key value for ECDH random = to_4byte(18) retry_timer = to_4byte(19) message_seq = to_4byte(20) domain_ping = to_4byte(21) # send directly to bbc_network without node_id in the domain nodekey_signature = to_4byte(22) admin_info = to_4byte(23) on_multinodes = to_4byte(24) is_anycast = to_4byte(25) anycast_ttl = to_4byte(26) is_replication = to_4byte(27) static_entry = to_4byte(0, 0x30) ipv4_address = to_4byte(1, 0x30) ipv6_address = to_4byte(2, 0x30) port_number = to_4byte(3, 0x30) external_ip4addr = to_4byte(4, 0x30) external_ip6addr = to_4byte(5, 0x30) node_info = to_4byte(6, 0x30) domain_list = to_4byte(7, 0x30) forwarding_list = to_4byte(8, 0x30) user_list = to_4byte(9, 0x30) neighbor_list = to_4byte(10, 0x30) notification_list = to_4byte(11, 0x30) bbc_configuration = to_4byte(12, 0x30) domain_id = to_4byte(0, 0x50) source_user_id = to_4byte(1, 0x50) destination_user_id = to_4byte(2, 0x50) destination_user_ids = to_4byte(3, 0x50) node_id = to_4byte(4, 0x50) source_node_id = to_4byte(5, 0x50) destination_node_id = to_4byte(6, 0x50) user_id = to_4byte(0, 0x60) transaction_id = to_4byte(1, 0x60) transaction_id_list = to_4byte(2, 0x60) asset_group_id = to_4byte(3, 0x60) asset_group_ids = to_4byte(4, 0x60) asset_id = to_4byte(5, 0x60) direction = to_4byte(6, 0x60) hop_count = to_4byte(7, 0x60) all_included = to_4byte(8, 0x60) start_from = to_4byte(9, 0x60) until = to_4byte(10, 0x60) transaction_data = to_4byte(0, 0x70) transactions = to_4byte(1, 0x70) transaction_tree = to_4byte(2, 0x70) ref_index = to_4byte(3, 0x70) asset_file = to_4byte(4, 0x70) all_asset_files = to_4byte(5, 0x70) signature = to_4byte(6, 0x70) cross_ref = to_4byte(7, 0x70) outer_domain_id = to_4byte(8, 0x70) source_domain_id = to_4byte(9, 0x70) txid_having_cross_ref = to_4byte(10, 0x70) cross_ref_verification_info = to_4byte(11, 0x70) transaction_data_format = to_4byte(12, 0x70) compromised_transaction_data = to_4byte(0, 0x90) compromised_transactions = to_4byte(1, 0x90) compromised_asset_files = to_4byte(2, 0x90) compromised_transaction_ids = to_4byte(3, 0x90) ledger_subsys_manip = to_4byte(0, 0xA0) # enable/disable ledger_subsystem ledger_subsys_register = to_4byte(1, 0xA0) ledger_subsys_verify = to_4byte(2, 0xA0) merkle_tree = to_4byte(3, 0xA0)
[docs]class InfraMessageCategory: """Types of message for inter-core nodes messaging""" CATEGORY_NETWORK = to_2byte(0) CATEGORY_TOPOLOGY = to_2byte(1) CATEGORY_USER = to_2byte(2) CATEGORY_DATA = to_2byte(3) CATEGORY_DOMAIN0 = to_2byte(4)