Source code for bbc1.core.topology_manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import socket
import random
import binascii

import os
import sys
sys.path.extend(["../../", os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))])
from bbc1.core import query_management, logger
from bbc1.core.message_key_types import to_2byte, PayloadType, KeyType, InfraMessageCategory

ticker = query_management.get_ticker()

[docs]class TopologyManagerBase: """Network topology management for a domain This class defines how to create topology, meaning that who should be neighbors and provides very simple topology management, that is full mesh topology. If P2P routing algorithm is needed, you should override this class to upgrade functions. This class does not manage the neighbor list itself (It's in BBcNetwork) """ NOTIFY_NEIGHBOR_LIST = to_2byte(0) NEIGHBOR_LIST_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 300 def __init__(self, network=None, config=None, domain_id=None, node_id=None, loglevel="all", logname=None): = network self.stats = network.core.stats self.neighbors =[domain_id]['neighbor'] self.config = config self.domain_id = domain_id self.logger = logger.get_logger(key="topology_manager:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(domain_id[:4]).decode(), level=loglevel, logname=logname) self.my_node_id = node_id self.advertise_wait_entry = None self.neighbor_refresh_timer_entry = None self.update_refresh_timer_entry()
[docs] def stop_all_timers(self): """Invalidate all running timers""" if self.advertise_wait_entry is not None: self.advertise_wait_entry.deactivate() if self.neighbor_refresh_timer_entry is not None: self.neighbor_refresh_timer_entry.deactivate()
[docs] def notify_neighbor_update(self, node_id, is_new=True): """Update expiration timer for the notified node_id Args: node_id (bytes): target node_id is_new (bool): If True, this node is a new comer node """ if node_id is not None: self.logger.debug("[%s] notify_neighbor_update: node_id=%s, is_new=%s" % (self.my_node_id.hex()[:4], node_id.hex()[:4], is_new)) else: self.logger.debug("[%s] notify_neighbor_update" % self.my_node_id.hex()[:4]) rand_time = random.uniform(0.5, 1) * 5 / (len(self.neighbors.nodeinfo_list) + 1) if self.advertise_wait_entry is None: self.advertise_wait_entry = query_management.QueryEntry(expire_after=rand_time, callback_expire=self._advertise_neighbor_info, retry_count=0) else: self.advertise_wait_entry.update_expiration_time(rand_time)
[docs] def update_refresh_timer_entry(self, new_entry=True, force_refresh_time=None): """Update expiration timer""" if force_refresh_time is None: rand_interval = random.randint(int(TopologyManagerBase.NEIGHBOR_LIST_REFRESH_INTERVAL * 2 / 3), int(TopologyManagerBase.NEIGHBOR_LIST_REFRESH_INTERVAL * 4 / 3)) else: rand_interval = force_refresh_time self.logger.debug("update_refresh_timer_entry: %d" % rand_interval) if new_entry: self.neighbor_refresh_timer_entry = query_management.QueryEntry( expire_after=rand_interval, data={"is_refresh": True}, callback_expire=self._advertise_neighbor_info, retry_count=0) else: self.neighbor_refresh_timer_entry.update_expiration_time(rand_interval)
def _advertise_neighbor_info(self, query_entry): """Broadcast nodeinfo list""" #print("[%s]: _advertise_neighbor_info" % self.my_node_id.hex()[:4]) self.advertise_wait_entry = None msg = { KeyType.infra_msg_type: InfraMessageCategory.CATEGORY_TOPOLOGY, KeyType.domain_id: self.domain_id, KeyType.command: TopologyManagerBase.NOTIFY_NEIGHBOR_LIST, } admin_info = { KeyType.neighbor_list: self.make_neighbor_list(), }, msg, admin_info), payload_type=PayloadType.Type_msgpack, msg=msg) if "is_refresh" in self.update_refresh_timer_entry()
[docs] def make_neighbor_list(self): """make nodelist binary for advertising""" nodeinfo = bytearray() # the node itself for item in self.neighbors.my_info.get_nodeinfo(): nodeinfo.extend(item) count = 1 # neighboring node for nd in self.neighbors.nodeinfo_list.keys(): if self.neighbors.nodeinfo_list[nd].is_alive: count += 1 for item in self.neighbors.nodeinfo_list[nd].get_nodeinfo(): nodeinfo.extend(item) nodes = bytearray(count.to_bytes(4, 'big')) nodes.extend(nodeinfo) return bytes(nodes)
def _update_neighbor_list(self, binary_data): """Parse binary data and update neighbors Args: binary_data (bytes): received data Returns: bool: True if the received nodeinfo has changed """ count_originally = len(list(filter(lambda nd: nd.is_alive, self.neighbors.nodeinfo_list.values()))) count_unchanged = 0 count = int.from_bytes(binary_data[:4], 'big') for i in range(count): base = 4 + i * (32 + 4 + 16 + 2 + 1 + 8) node_id = binary_data[base:base + 32] if node_id == self.my_node_id: continue ipv4 = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, binary_data[base + 32:base + 36]) ipv6 = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, binary_data[base + 36:base + 52]) port = socket.ntohs(int.from_bytes(binary_data[base + 52:base + 54], 'big')) domain0 = True if binary_data[base + 54] == 0x01 else False updated_at = int.from_bytes(binary_data[base + 55:base + 63], 'big') if not self.neighbors.add(node_id=node_id, ipv4=ipv4, ipv6=ipv6, port=port, domain0=domain0): count_unchanged += 1 self.logger.debug("[%s] update_neighbor_list: orig=%d, unchanged=%d, recv=%d, need_advertise=%s" % (self.my_node_id.hex()[:4], count_originally, count_unchanged, count, count_originally != count_unchanged)) if count_originally == count_unchanged: return False else: return True
[docs] def process_message(self, msg): """Process received message Args: msg (dict): received message """ if KeyType.destination_node_id not in msg or KeyType.command not in msg: return if "keypair" in[self.domain_id] and[self.domain_id]["keypair"] is not None: if not, msg): self.logger.error("Illegal access to domain %s" % self.domain_id.hex()) return if msg[KeyType.command] == TopologyManagerBase.NOTIFY_NEIGHBOR_LIST: self.stats.update_stats_increment("topology_manager", "NOTIFY_NEIGHBOR_LIST", 1) self.update_refresh_timer_entry(new_entry=False) diff_flag = self._update_neighbor_list(msg[KeyType.neighbor_list]) if diff_flag: if self.advertise_wait_entry is None: self.notify_neighbor_update(None) else: if self.advertise_wait_entry is not None: self.advertise_wait_entry.deactivate() self.advertise_wait_entry = None